Monday, May 14, 2012

Production Log 6

It has been a few days since my last blog-post, so I must say sorry for that! However, I do have a good reason. Last week we were at Spring Hill College shooting and, it just so happened, the directors needed another Production Assistant to assist them with keeping the set locked down when we were rolling and telling people where to go, etc… So that took up all of my time last week! But it was a really great experience for me. That is one of the things I have benefited the most – and probably will benefit the most from – because now, not only have I been around a movie set for close to 4 weeks now, but I have been an Extras PA, a Set PA, and a Social Media PA. I have learned so much from this experience. I may begin to be redundant because of how many times I have said this, but it is true. And for a guy that wants to go into the industry, this is experience I will benefit from for the rest of my life.

Now, just to highlight some of the things we did last week. We spent all of our time in the Spring Hill Cathedral. Let me just go ahead and say that the scenery and the cathedral itself were absolutely gorgeous. The interior of the Cathedral, with its white washed walls and yellow hued tiles and windows, was truly spectacular. The scenery just pops off the screen when you look at the footage.
Our actors also completely nailed down every line. I wasn’t present for the last night, but from what Jeff has told me, we witnessed a miracle. We have been shooting an average of around 10-12 pages a day this past week. That is in and of itself a huge feat for a feature film. But we've been able to do that because our actors have done in one take, what it might’ve feasibly taken 3 or 4 takes to get right! But no, they are doing it in one. It’s really mind boggling. But not to forget our crew, who have worked so hard and worked crazy hours to help us get done what we needed done. They’ve all been amazing.

That’s all for now, ill update you again very soon!


Saturday, May 5, 2012

Production Log 5

Hey guys!

Mobile has finally come back to character and rained on us, but thankfully it was just for one day, and I am almost thankful for that. The chance we had yesterday to hang out as an entire cast and crew  – while stuck under the pavilion – was truly a memory I will keep with me forever. I don’t know how often things like that happen, but I would imagine it’s not often. Everyone was gathered around in a circle, watching our friend Clayton dance to High School Musical songs and Michael Jackson’s “Thriller”. The entire cast and crew then danced to the “Electric Slide” while our Director of Photography used his iphone to capture everything, trying to get all the angles, (which was extremely hilarious to see)! It was hilarious and memorable. We all just laughed and joked and just enjoyed the fact that we were alive, and on a movie set! What a blessing. I’ll remember that day for the rest of my life.

So, as I have mentioned a few other times, and will probably mention again in the future, I am working with the Extras for Yellow Day. It’s been an absolute blast working with these guys. They are some truly amazing people. Some of you, when I said that, may have thought “Well of course, he’s just calling them amazing as a courtesy.” However, the person that thinks this would be making a huge oversight. As I’ve gotten to know these Extras, I’ve truly come to love and appreciate these guys. Our Extras are not just random bodies in the background of our film; what these Extras have done is allow Yellow Day to be the film that it is going to be. Some of them have gone so far above and beyond in trying to help out and be a part of this movie that I have been completely blown away. COMPLETELY.

Jeff told me that many times people were skeptical about ANYONE wanting to wake up at 5, take off of work, miss class leading up to exam week (for some), and sacrifice 12 hours out of their day to come volunteer to be Extras for us.
Jeff’s answer?

“The Church will. People will. Cause they’ll believe in our vision.”

…and they have. When I see our Extra’s now, I don’t think of them as numbers, these are real people making real sacrifices for a movie that they are excited about and believe in. I hope when you see pictures of them on our facebook and twitter pages that this is the kind of attitude you have toward them as well. When I say our Extras are amazing, I really mean it.

Also, we are almost at 500 likes on facebook!!!! If you haven’t, go like our page! We need your support!


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Production Log 4

Hey guys!

We just got off our weekend break and are hard at work again filming Yellow Day. This week happens to be one of the longest and craziest of them all for my team. I’m officially a part of the Casting Production Assistants, and this week is the week that we need hundreds of extras for different days and for different scenes etc. It can be really easy to overlook the Extras P.A’s a lot of the time. The only reasons that you would know they are there usually is if something goes wrong! So, for the past few days we’ve been re-calling and confirming all of our Extras again, making sure no one has backed out, and that they all have the info they need to get to set and know what to bring. When you are dealing with 200 Extras in one day, it can be a logistical headache. Thankfully, everything has gone extremely well for us regarding all of this so far, and so we would simply ask that you pray we continue to get the people we need for the days we need, and that no one backs out!

This morning I was here on-set at 5:30! Needless to say it was a really early morning and I never got much sleep (I'm still going to school during this shoot). In times like that, we can often be tempted by our natural natures and by our lack of sleep to be grumpy and to complain. I felt myself veering toward that mindset this morning, but then something beautiful happened. I was sitting in my car, and I looked up to the sun starting to hint over the horizon. There was a slight mist hovering over the earth, and the sun sent glistening rays of light shining through the haze. Horses stood behind white fences, eating and enjoying their time. I remembered then just how blessed I am to be a part of something like this. God reminded me through his creation just how blessed I am to be alive at all. It was a beautiful moment for me. We all need those sometimes.  
Other than that, our shoot is going really well. Everything seems to be running like clockwork, and everyone – truly – seems to be enjoying their time here in Mobile and the time on-set making the movie. It helps that Camp Grace is a gorgeous place to shoot!

That’s all for now, much more to come!


Friday, April 27, 2012

Production Log 3

Hey guys,

Here’s the latest from the set!

We are hard at work, about to wrap up our first full week of shooting. It really as a huge accomplishment! I wish we had a way to count how many man-hours went into this project before we ever even got to this week!  But I digress.
Today was a very interesting day for me. Some of the people that have been with us from the beginning were on-set today to witness the making of a movie that would not have been possible without their leadership. It was amazing to have them here.

I observed as three of them stood around our writer and Exec while he told the story of Yellow Day in the best descriptive speech that he could. I looked on as they watched him intently, different emotions coming and going on their faces as Jeff goes through the highs and the lows of the script. (The script really can be an emotional roller-coaster). Jeff described to them the metaphors and symbolism that he had written into the script – the symbolism of the Banana Spider eating all the mosquitoes and cleaning out whatever area they are in, the mosquito’s representing sin and the Banana Spider representing Jesus - and you could just tell by the look on their faces that once it clicked, it really clicked. Most of them already knew what our script was about, but this further showed them just what their time and effort was going to, it was and is going to reach people with a beautiful movie and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  

Another common topic of discussion among the camp recently has been this, “How is this happening?”
How are we really making THIS movie, with THIS budget, with THESE people, here in Mobile? How did this happen?

The most common answer has been, “God”.

That might sound like a dead-pan answer when read through text, but it portrays what most of us are thinking!
I imagine that in time we will be able to understand it more, and look back on all of this – and that question – and say, “Yep. THAT is why it happened.” God must’ve had his hand on us.

Until then, I just know it’s exciting to be a part of!


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Production Log 2

Hey guys,

Just a few quick updates!

Today we were shooting in a new area, so we had to move a ton of stuff across hundreds of acres of land, and then more acres of unpaved land. So, needless to say, once we got it all there, it was truly a feat to behold.

Our actors continue to dazzle us. And we don’t say that just because its “proper”, but we truly mean it. The actors and actresses that we’ve gotten were truly a God send. We truly believe that God has supplied us with the right people.

Speaking of which, today is the first day on set for two of our characters, Whit and Taylor, and from what we’ve seen they have played their roles perfectly. We are really excited to continue the shoot with them.

As well, today is the first day we have had a substantial amount of extras on sight. The great thing is the fact that all of these people are so different, and from so many different churches and denominations. Talking to them truly gives credence to the fact that this really is a ecumenical project.

Now, for what I think is the most amazing thing about today:
We shot on location at the camp, behind the cross. And I think the image of that scenery might escape some people, but I think for many of us, that imagery is very revealing. This is why we are here. The actors and actresses and light technicians and cameramen and producers and directors etc… all trying to use the gifts and talents that God has given them, and use them well. Not only this, they are doing it with the image of the cross hovering over them. Now just picture that for a minute I don’t want to just stir up sentimentality, but this couldn’t be a more perfect picture of what Yellow Day is and why we are here. 

Just wanted to describe that for you. 

Well that's it for now. Thanks for reading!


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Production Log 1

First, I would like to explain what this blog was, what it is, and where its going. For about 2 years (give or take a few months) I have been writing on this blog periodically to update you guys on what was happening with the (then) project Providence. The fact that this blog is still in existence, just under a new name, is a testament to how much God has blessed us. I thought about creating an entirely new blog for this movie (which would essentially leave the old one to posterity), but I feel that it's important that I just reformat this one to fit our new context. Its important because it shows that, yes, this is what we were, and this is what God has grown us to be. This blog can now give a full picture of what God has done for us, almost like a digital timeline. The people and workers that I have blogged about before, all of them are still working with us (we all just have new roles)! I hope you will be encouraged as much as I am by the changes that have happened to this project, and will continue to support us going forward!

Now, let me explain what "Providence" has become. Through what can only be described as divine guidance and support, we have grown from a very small local film to a project that has more professional talent, industry leaders, and support than we could have ever dreamed of (Jeff Galle will attest to this). So I hope in the next year to chronicle this new adventure and new direction that God has us going in. I just want to say that I am so blessed and extremely excited to be a part of this.

Yesterday, we started filming! This day (to me) was 2 years in the making. For others, like Jeff Galle, it has been a decade in the making. I often wondered if the day would come where we would finally be on set, it all just seems surreal. I often wondered if anyone would take me serious when I told them I was working on a movie, but guess what? Now they truly can!

For me, this is such an amazing and career building opportunity. Chances to work on this kind of project (and it happening in your own relatively small city) almost never happen. And for me, a guy who wants to have a career in the film industry (id like to be a screenwriter), I am still getting over the magnitude of my blessing. I don't mean to be redundant, but its true! And the great thing is, this project is not only allowing me to get my foot in the door of the industry, and giving me a ton of valuable experience, but its doing that same thing for many other people! Their stories will become part of this blog as the weeks go by.

Yesterday we shot a good amount of footage, and its like we have an army, all working in unison, all calling "CUT!" or "ROLL IT!" or "ROLLING ROLLING!" and everyone in unison responds to those calls. There's something very exciting about it!

Our actors so far have completely blown us away. They have taken this script in directions that only real actors can do. Its been really exciting to watch. Ive also been able to watch some behind the camera work, and the fact we have TWO of the best cameras in the business still blows my mind (and one amazing camera crew!!!). I know this movie is going to look fabulous.

I believe in the next few weeks I will be able to start writing about the crew and the actors. Until I do write about them all, just know that we have more professional industry people than any other Indie Film like ours.

Until then, so long for now!

I plan on having a picture blog up by the end of the day!


Monday, April 16, 2012

"Thrusters on Full"

Hello all!

It has been 4 months (about) since my last update for you guys. Sorry for all the delays! In a few more months, all of the delays will make sense. We have had to keep most of the REALLY interesting things about our production under wraps, but soon we will be ready to start releasing all of those awesome details! For now, ill just try to expound upon what I can, and hopefully encourage you that our production is going amazingly well!

Jeff (the writer) has been working tirelessly with our director and producers trying to get the script exactly right. And (upon my last reading) he has succeeded at doing that! Believe me, we are all in for a really great story.

We opened our production office a few weeks ago and the crew have been flying in and out of town, hard at work getting all the logistics taken care of, schedules organized, and accounting work finished. Believe me, when I walked in to that office for the first time, it finally hit me that this really is happening. We weren't just daydreaming! But I digress...

Ive been helping out our producers with editing, marketing, social media, office work, etc... and even got to participate in a few table reads of the script. (In one of them, I got to read the main male lead, and that was really fun!)

Ive met so many amazing people thus far in the production (one day soon, you'll know who they are). People that have been working in the television and film industries for a very long time. If I ever play 6 degrees of separation to Kevin Bacon with you, I will now most certainly win. These guys seem to know everyone, and to have done everything - at least to me; so for that, you can know that God has truly blessed me personally, and the production in general. There's no way that kind of stuff just happens.

I would also like to make a quick announcement: we need Extras! If you would be interested, go to... sign up. If you qualify and are available, we would love to have you on set with us!

Well that's all the time I have for today. We are gonna make sure to keep you guys updated as we approach our shooting dates - which are coming very soon! Lots of exciting things happening. Please pray that we continue to move forward with confidence and charisma.

Thanks guys!