Monday, May 23, 2011

A Week of Spreadsheets and Progress

Thank you for stopping by again! Things are getting a little crazy around here, so I think you’re definitely going to want to keep up. But as to a few updates on what me and the guys (blog forthcoming on them) have done this week. I’ve sat in on some meetings and done some “consulting” work for the team; more simply put, I’ve been trying to help out and do anything that needs to be done, whilst chronicling for the blog. From that observational standpoint, it’s interesting watching the guys do their jobs, and to be there in a little different frame of mind, it’s easier to observe the stress and intricacies and complexities of the production process… I’ve seen my fair share of spreadsheets lately, let me tell you. It might sound boring, but watching the guys work through those seemingly menial Excel documents is like having a front row seat to the best show in town, in a good way. It’s like watching a group of friends learn to debate constructively over what things should look like, what things should get done first, and then joke accordingly; both of which happen, the latter of which happens the most. I mean, there’s only so many ways you can make a spreadsheet. It’s a give and take. Needless to say, things are definitely picking up, getting crazy (yes, spreadsheets can be crazy), and exciting as well as the guys hammer out the kinks in the movie day by day. As I continue to chronicle this project, I continue to see divine providence at work, bringing in the people we need, when we need them, in His time. Obviously things aren’t always smooth for the project, there will always be set-backs and the like, but God works through those situations in more substantial and obvious ways than most anything else. It is quite apparent to all involved that, as we continue to push forward, God is at work, holding all our loose ends together… even the ones we can’t foresee. It’s cool to watch.



Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Updates, Casting Calls, and the Surprising Idea That People Still Read the Paper.

For those of you who work jobs with deadlines, you know how it goes. The long nights, the endless meetings, the grueling push to pull everything together before the time is up. It’s hard to do. If things are going to get done, you have to have a team of people all pulling in the same direction, with the same desire to reach the goals as you have. I would say the Providence team, as it stands, has done a really good job of getting those kinds of people together. I’ve had the opportunity to meet some of those people recently; more to come on them in the days ahead. Until then, you'll have to take it on faith that they really do exist. Alas, over the past few weeks I have had the privilege of working inside three casting calls (held in Mobile) with the team and watching the directors and producers and actors as the pre-production work takes place. Seeing the different characters of the many people that auditioned, the tone and atmosphere created by the directors as they tried to pry out the best performance they could from the people in a short span of time, was an exhilarating experience. On that note, it’s been crazy to see the buzz that Providence is starting to create in the Mobile area and beyond, we were just able to notice it at the casting calls. Just the other day a guy – horse trainer at that – drove six hours from Georgia to audition. To me, I find that extremely exciting! 150+ people showed up to audition for parts, and that was simply from word of mouth and one paper add - of which all credit goes to Roy Hoffman for giving us a great write up. Heres the link to his article...

On a serious note, as I stared out at the many faces and personalities that convened on our last casting call, I thought to myself just how extraordinary it all was. For at least a moment or two in times like those, when you are surrounded by people who want to be a part of something you are doing, you truly feel like you are a part of something bigger than yourself, something important, and that is something worth holding on to.

Excitement is growing,


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Beginning

Welcome to the Providence movie blog! If you are here by chance or by purpose, please read on…

As to an introduction of myself (the blogger) and the project,

My name is Kyle Bedwell, and I am very simply put, a friend and a writer with a story to tell. I leave the end word there - story- purposefully ambiguous, because the story I am telling now is hopefully just the first chapter in a book of hundreds. I hope in the coming weeks to help tell the story of the extravagant blessing and burden we've been given (The Providence Team) as we set out to create a feature film that goes beyond the film industry’s blurred cruxes, and truly seeks to break barriers and transform culture using the resources given to us. The team is striving everyday to work diligently and focus our creativity to create a truly barrier breaking movie, one that they and the city of Mobile can be proud of, and more importantly, one that can hopefully change lives. We will be posting updates of all major developments in casting, production and shooting, along with other tid-bits on people and organizations who have partnered with us to help make this movie happen, here on The Providence Project blog. Please spread the word and check back regularly if you would like to stay up to date on the latest news and developments in the production of Providence the movie.

We thank you in advance!
- Kyle Bedwell

"The only way to change culture, is to create more of it."