Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Beginning

Welcome to the Providence movie blog! If you are here by chance or by purpose, please read on…

As to an introduction of myself (the blogger) and the project,

My name is Kyle Bedwell, and I am very simply put, a friend and a writer with a story to tell. I leave the end word there - story- purposefully ambiguous, because the story I am telling now is hopefully just the first chapter in a book of hundreds. I hope in the coming weeks to help tell the story of the extravagant blessing and burden we've been given (The Providence Team) as we set out to create a feature film that goes beyond the film industry’s blurred cruxes, and truly seeks to break barriers and transform culture using the resources given to us. The team is striving everyday to work diligently and focus our creativity to create a truly barrier breaking movie, one that they and the city of Mobile can be proud of, and more importantly, one that can hopefully change lives. We will be posting updates of all major developments in casting, production and shooting, along with other tid-bits on people and organizations who have partnered with us to help make this movie happen, here on The Providence Project blog. Please spread the word and check back regularly if you would like to stay up to date on the latest news and developments in the production of Providence the movie.

We thank you in advance!
- Kyle Bedwell

"The only way to change culture, is to create more of it."

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